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朱杨:甘蓝型油菜开花时间和无限花序的分子机制和生物育种(海洋生物科学国际联合研究中心、水产种质资源发掘与利用教育部重点实验室、青年教师工作委员会学术报告) |
报告人:浙江大学朱杨,“百人 计划”研究员,作物科学研究所副所长
主持人:胡鹏 教授
报告时间:2023/8/3 上午10点
朱杨,浙江大学,“百人 计划”研究员,作物科学研究所副所长。2011年毕业于浙江大学,2015年获新加坡国立大学博士学位,师从俞皓教授,院士;2017-2020在宾夕法尼亚大学从事博士后研究,师从Doris Wagner教授。目前主要从事植物开花时间和地上部分株型建成的研究;通过多组学、基因编辑和分子生物学等方法解析相关功能基因的调控机制。研究成果发表在Nature Plants, Nature Communications等期刊上。2020获得中国科协和中国作物学会青年托举项目;2021年获国家自然科学基金委“优秀青年基金(海外)”项目,以及浙江省创新长期项目。
The allopolyploid oil crop Brassica napus with indeterminate inflorescences bears intrinsic limitations in plant architecture improvement, which triggers precision breeding for determinate or semi-determinate inflorescence structures by genetic improvement. However, the highly-ordered balance between indeterminate and determinate inflorescence development remains largely unclear in rapeseed. This study utilizes the core world-wide accessions of Brassica napus to investigate the inflorescence structures by both canonical and machined-based quantitative phenotyping. Comprehensive multi-omics analysis would screen out a number of key genes involved in inflorescence indetermination-to-determination balancing. To create a series of BnFAL1s mutants and transgenic plants with biologically active fusion proteins would decipher the in-depth mechanisms of how the three homologous BnFAL1s contribute to progressive changes into inflorescence determination. Different BnFAL1 homologs domestically diverge to novel agronomic functions due to different protein structures and specificity of interaction protein complexes with BnFAL1-IPs, which preferably target to several downstream
indeterminate inflorescence regulators BnFAL2s homologs. Genome editing on either CDS or regulatory elements of BnFAL1s and BnFAL2s would precisely alter the balance of indeterminate and determinate inflorescence growth. To further modify those targeted genomic sites in elite culivars would promisingly speed the progress of breeding lines with features of early flowering time and compact inflorescence.