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孙云飞 |
[1] 国家自然科学基金委员会, 青年科学基金项目, 31802320, 基于稳定性同位素和高通量测序探讨河蟹蟹种池塘养殖过程中的食物来源与饲料贡献, 2019-01-01 至 2021-12-31, 结题, 主持。
[2] 中国博士后基金管理委员会, 博士后基金, 2018M641985, 中华绒螯蟹捕食行为数量化特征研究, 2018 -11至2020-03, 结题, 主持。
[3] 上海海洋大学博士科研启动基金(A2-2006-21-200305),基于DNA条形码与稳定性同位素的中华绒螯蟹幼蟹的食性研究,2020.10-2022.09,在研,主持。
[4] 昆山市阳澄湖大闸蟹产业研究院,重点科研项目补充项目,基于DNA条形码与稳定性同位素的中华绒螯蟹幼蟹的食性研究,2021-01至2023-11, 在研, 主持。
[5] 农业农村部产业技术体系, 农业农村部, CARS-48, 国家虾蟹产业体系岗位专家, 2021-01 至今, 在研, 参与。
[6] 科技部, 国家重点研发计划, 2019YFD0900105, 水产养殖动物病害免疫预防与生态防控技术, 2019-11至今, 在研, 参与。
[7] 国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 41876190, 水体盐度对中华绒螯蟹卵巢发育和脂质代谢的调控机制研究, 2019-01-01至今, 在研, 参与。
[8] 上海市科学技术委员会, 上海市科委, 21DZ1201900, 重要鸟类栖息地周边区域的生态服务功能提升与创新发展关键技术研究与示范, 2021-08至今, 在研, 参与。
[9] 江苏省农业农村厅, 水产核心种源攻关项目, JBGS〔2021〕123, 克氏原螯虾快长抗逆新品系选育及规模化繁育, 2022-01至今, 在研, 参与。
[1] Liu, J., Sun, Y., Han, W., Li, J. , Wang, S. , & Yang, Z. , et al. 2022, Evaluation of the inhibitory effects of four different microecological preparations on Cladophora. Aquacult International 30, 1327–1340. (并列一作)
[2] Lu Z, Sun Y, Xiao C and Cheng Y. 2021, Dietary analysis based on 18S rDNA, and stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes in juvenile Eriocheir sinensis Crabs reared under three feeding modes. Frontiers in Marine Science. 8:741780. (并列一作)
[3] Han W., Sun Y., Liu J., Zhang Y., Lu Z., Cheng Y., 2021. Effect of different feeding modes on the growth, biochemical composition, and living environment of the juvenile Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis. Aquaculture, 541: (1-10). (并列一作)
[4] Han W., Sun Y., Liu J., Zhang Y., Cheng Y., 2021. Effect of solid and liquid algicides on the growth of and antioxidant capacity of Cladophora. Aquaculture Reports, 20: (1-10). (并列一作)
[5] Sun, Y., Han, W., Liu, J., Liu, F., Cheng Y., 2020. Microbiota comparison in the intestine of juvenile Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis fed different diets. Aquaculture, 515:734518.
[6] Sun, Y., Han, W., Liu, J., Huang, X., Zhou, W., Zhang, J., Cheng, Y., 2020. Bacterial community compositions of crab intestine, surrounding water, and sediment in two different feeding modes of Eriocheir sinensis. Aquaculture report, 16:100236.
[7] Sun, Y., Zhu, S., Long, X., Wu, X., Cheng, Y., 2020. Effects of dietary fish meal replacement with protein mixtures on growth performance, biochemical composition and physiological metabolism of juvenile swimming crab, Portunus trituberculatus. Aquaculture international, 28:1531-1545.
[8] Sun, Y.*, Long, X.*, Wade, N., Pan, J., Liu, Y., Cheng, Y., Wu, X., 2020. Key metabolic and enzymatic adaptations underlie the benefits of formulated diets in the adult female Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis. Aquaculture international, 51:5125-5140.
[9] Sun, Y., Wang F., Liu, D., Su, X., Dong, S.L., 2018. Predator size influences multiple predator effects in swimming crab – Manila clam system. Aquaculture, 488:74-79.
[10] Sun, Y., Wang, F., Su, X., Dircksen, H., 2017. Prey selection of the swimming crab Portunus trituberculatus foraging on bivalves. Journal of crustacean biology, 37: 521-528.
[11] Sun, Y., Wang F., Su, X., Liu, D., Dong, S.L., 2017. Size matters for predator-prey relationships: the case of swimming crab Portunus trituberculatus preying on Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarium. Aquaculture, 479:638-644.
[12] Sun, Y., Wang, F., Liu, D., Dong, S., 2016. Behavioral mechanisms underlying the functional response of the swimming crab Portunus trituberculatus preying on the Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum. Marine Biology 163, 1-9.
[13] Sun Y., Wang F., Dong S., 2015. A comparative study of the effect of starvation regimes on the foraging behavior of Portunus trituberculatus and Charybdis japonica. Physiology & Behavior, 151: 168-177.
[14] 韩文峰, 孙云飞, 刘健, 鹿珍珍, 肖昌伦, 张亚文, 成方舟, 成永旭 2020.不同饵料投喂模式对中华绒螯蟹幼蟹生长和生理生化的影响.中国水产科学:1-13.(通讯作者)
[15] 孙云飞, 王芳, 刘峰, 董双林 2014. 草鱼与鲢、鲤不同混养模式系统的氮磷收支. 中国水产科学, 22(3), 450-459.