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祖尧 副教授 |
祖尧,博士,副教授,硕士生导师。上海市人才发展资金,晨光人才计划,扬帆人才计划获得者。近五年内,在Nature Methods, Nature Communications, Scientific Reports重要学术期刊发表第一作者论文。其中Nature Methods上发表的论文为封面文章,杂志并配发长篇评论A revolution coming to a classis model organism,该论文SCI引用率超过180次。
2013.2-2014.2美国加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA) 联合培养博士
2009.9-2014.7北京大学生命科学学院 博士
2005.9-2009.7河北大学生命科学学院 学士
[1]国家自然基金青年基金,31501166,Kctd10调控斑马鱼心脏环化信号转导网络的研究,执行时间2016 / 01—2018 / 12,在研,主持
[2]上海市人力资源和社会保障局上海市人才发展资金,201568,CRISPR/Cas介导的大片段基因组删除的研究,执行时间2016 / 01—2018 / 12,在研,主持
[3]上海市教委晨光人才计划,14CG49, Kctd10在斑马鱼器官形成中作用的研究,执行时间2015 / 01—2017 / 12,在研,主持
[4]上海市科委扬帆人才计划,15YF1405000,斑马鱼hox基因簇大片段删除及功能分析,执行时间2015 / 01—2017 / 12,在研,主持
[1]Zu Y*, Zhang X*, Ren J, Dong X,Zhu Z, Jia L, Zhang Q, Li W. Biallelic editing of a lamprey genome using the CRISPR/Cas9 system. Sci Rep, 2016,6:23496. (IF: 5.228)
[2]Zu Y*, Tong X*, Wang Z, Liu D,Pan R, Li Z, Hu Y, Luo Z, Huang P, Wu Q, Zhu Z, Zhang B, Lin S. TALEN-mediatedprecise genome modification by homologous recombination in zebrafish. Nat Methods, 2013, 10:329-31. (Cover story, IF: 25.328, SCI cited 182times)
[3]Tong X*, Zu Y*, Li Z*, Li W, Ying L, YangJ, Wang X, He S, Liu D, Zhu Z, Chen J, Lin S, Zhang B. Kctd10 regulates heartmorphogenesis by moderating the transcriptional activity of Tbx5a in zebrafish.Nat Commun., 2014, 5:3153. (IF:11.329, *co-first author)
[4]Zhang Q, Dong X, Chen B,Zhang Y, Zu Y, Li W.Zebrafish as a useful model for zoonotic Vibrio parahaemolyticus pathogenicityin fish and human. Dev Comp Immunol,2016, 55: 159-168.
[5]Huang P, Xiao A, Tong X, Zu Y, Wang Z, Zhang B. TALENconstruction via Unit Assembly and targeted genome modification in zebrafish. Methods, 2014, S1046-2023(14)00040-1.
[6]Liu D, Wang Z, Xiao A,Zhang Y, Li W, Zu Y, Yao S,Lin S, Zhang B. Efficient gene targeting in zebrafish mediated by azebrafish-codon-optimized Cas9 and evaluation of off-targeting effect. J Genet Genomics, 2014, 41:43-6.
[7]Xiao A, Wang Z, Hu Y, Wu Y,Luo Z, Yang Z, Zu Y, Li W,Huang P, Tong X, Zhu Z, Lin S, Zhang B. Chromosomal deletions and inversionsmediated by TALENs and CRISPR/Cas in zebrafish. Nucleic Acids Res. 2013, 41: e141.
[8]Tong X, Xia Z, Zu Y, Telfer H, et al. Ngs(notochord granular surface) encodes a novel type of intermediate filamentfamily protein essential for notochord maintenance in zebrafish. J Biol Chem., 2013, 288:2711-20.