林晓龙 副教授




林晓龙,男,19882月出生,浙江乐清人,博士,副教授。现就职于生物系。上海海洋大学环境DNA技术与水生态健康评估工程中心副主任。2023年周尧昆虫分类学奖励基金三等奖获得者。IUCN SSC中国物种专家委员会(CSSG)成员。共发表80余篇论文,其中在Systematic EntomologyDiversity and DistributionsZoologica ScriptaInsect Systematics & Evolution等重要期刊发表SCI论文60余篇,单篇最高被引用135次,H-index=16


2013.8-2017.9,挪威科技大学自然历史系,生物系统学,哲学博士学位,导师:Prof. Torbjørn Ekrem & Elisabeth Stur









[1] 水生态生物监测与健康评估(底栖动物)

[2] 环境DNA技术创新及物种基因库、图谱库构建

[3] 摇蚊科分类学、进化、生物地理学、比较基因组学和仿生学等研究


[1] 中国流长跗摇蚊属DNA条形码数据库构建,上海海洋大学青年教师科研启动基金,2023-2024,主持

[2] 基于环境DNA的水生生物多样性监测评估,上海市环境监测中心,2023-2023参与

[3] 水生生物鉴定及环境DNA分析测试服务,中国环境监测总站,2023-2023主持

[4] 典型河流春季水生生物样品测试鉴定,中国环境科学研究院,2023-2023,主持

[5] 水生生物样品复核和疑难水生生物样品鉴定,中国科学院生态环境研究中心,2023-2023,主持

[6] 湖南省重点流域水生态完整性评价指标体系研究,湖南省生态环境监测中心,2022-2023主持

[7] 负责低成本高通量基因分型技术的开发子课题,国家重点研发计划海洋农业与淡水渔业科技创新重点专项项目中华绒螯蟹、克氏原鳌虾、螺蛳大规格抗逆新品种培育项目中华绒螯蟹、克氏原螯虾与螺蛳种质资源收集、鉴定和评价课题,2022-2026,课题骨干

[8] 林周县松盘沟河湖健康评价,横向课题,2022-2022,主持

[9] 小清河流域水生生物检测及DNA资源库构建,横向课题,2022-2022,主持

[10] 东洋区长跗摇蚊属系统学研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目,2020-2022,主持

[11] 中印区长跗摇蚊属系统学及生物地理学,第64批中国博士后科学基金面上资助一等资助,2019-2021,主持

[12] 三种跳甲物种形成的地理模式及基因组分化,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2022-2025,参与

[13] 长足摇蚊亚科高级阶元系统发育研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2014-2017,参与

[14] 东亚斑摇蚊属群的分类修订与生物地理学研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目,2014-2016,参与




[1] Li, S-Y, Chen, M-H, Sun, L, Wang, RH, Li, C, Gresens, S, Li, Z, Lin, XL* New mitogenomes from the genus Cricotopus (Diptera: Chironomidae, Orthocladiinae): Characterization and phylogenetic implications. Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology, 2023, e22067.

[2] Y Shi, S Wang, XL Lin, H Li, A Li, J Fan*. Unraveling fish diversity and assembly patterns in a temperate river: Evidence from environmental DNA metabarcoding and morphological data. Ecological Indicators, 2023, 156.

[3] SY Li, Y Yao, L Sun, HN Ling, WD Jin*, XL Lin* DNA barcodes and morphology reveal new species within the Rheotanytarsus guineensis species group from China (Diptera: Chironomidae). Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology, 2023, e22060.

[4] WB Liu, Y Yao, XL Lin, CC Yan* Symbiocladius rhithrogenae (Zavřel, 1924): Redescription of the male adult with DNA barcode (Diptera: Chironomidae). Entomological News, 2023, 130 (5), 445-453

[5] T Andersen, A Höcherl, J Hübner, C Chimeno, XL Lin, V Baranov8 New species and records of Pseudochironomini Sæther, 1977 (Diptera, Chironomidae) from the Dominican Republic. Biodiversity Data Journal, 2023, 11, e111925.

[6] Y Qi, WJ Bu, CG Zheng, XL Lin*, KL Jiao* New data on mitogenomes of Thienemanniella Kieffer, 1911 (Diptera: Chironomidae, Orthocladiinae). Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology, 2023, 114 (2), 1-9.

[7] K Velásquez, XL Lin, P Sanchez-Vendizu, R LOAYZA-MURO, ...DNA Barcode of symbiotic chironomids: Findings in the genus Symbiocladius (Diptera: Chironomidae). Zootaxa, 2023, 5319 (1), 048-056.

[8] D Chesters, RR Ferrari, XL Lin, MC Orr, M Staab, CD Zhu Launching insectphylo.org; a new hub facilitating construction and use of synthesis molecular phylogenies of insects. Molecular Ecology Resources, 2023, 23 (7), 1556-1573.

[9] WB Liu, Y Wang, KZ Zhao, CY Wang, JY Zhang, CC Yan, XL Lin* New species, a new combination, and DNA barcodes of Parachironomus Lenz, 1921 (Diptera, Chironomidae). ZooKeys, 2023, 1153, 121-140.

[10] BX Guo, MH Chen, RL Zhang, XL Lin* Tanytarsus xinglongensis (Diptera, Chironomidae, Tanytarsini), A New Species from Oriental China. Annales Zoologici Fennici, 2023, 60 (1), 53-56.

[11] D Zhang, FX He, XB Li, Z Aishan, XL Lin* New Mitogenomes of the Polypedilum Generic Complex (Diptera: Chironomidae): Characterization and Phylogenetic Implications. Insects, 2023, 14 (3), 238.

[12] Pang, X.; Fu, W.; Feng, J.; Guo, B.; Lin, X.-L.*; Lu, X.* The Complete Mitochondrial Genome of the Hermit Crab Diogenes edwardsii (Anomura: Diogenidae) and Phylogenetic Relationships within Infraorder Anomura. Genes 2023, 14.

[13] Li, S.-Y.; Zhao, Y.-M.; Guo, B.-X.; Li, C.-H.; Sun, B.-J.*; Lin, X.-L.* Comparative Analysis of Mitogenomes of Chironomus (Diptera: Chironomidae). Insects 2022 13, 1164.

[14] Reis, P.D.R.*; Lin, X.-L.; Ferreira-Keppler, R.L. Three new species of Tanytarsus van der Wulp (Diptera: Chironomidae) from the Amazon rainforest. Zootaxa 2022, 5194, 426-434.

[15] Liu, W.-B.; Yao, Y.; Chang, T.; Yan, C.-C.; & Lin, X.-L.* Contribution to the knowledge of Rheotanytarsus pellucidus species group from China (Diptera, Chironomidae): three new and one newly recorded species. Zootaxa 2022, 5188(2), 145-156.

[16] Wang, X.-H.; Yao, Y.; Liu, W.-B.; Yan, C.-C.; & Lin, X.-L.* Rheotanytarsus makarchenkoi Lin et Yao, sp. n. from Hainan Island, China (Diptera: Chironomidae). Euroasian Entomological Journal 2022, 21(1), 19-22.

[17] Pang, X.; Han, C.; Guo, B.; Liu, K.; Lin, X.-L.*; Lu, X.* The First Complete Mitochondrial Genome of Eucrate crenata (Decapoda: Brachyura: Goneplacidae) and Phylogenetic Relationships within Infraorder Brachyura. Genes 2022, 13.

[18] Zheng, C.-G.; Liu, Z.; Zhao, Y.-M.; Wang, Y.; Bu, W.-J.; Wang, X.-H.; Lin, X.-L.* First Report on Mitochondrial Gene Rearrangement in Non-Biting Midges, Revealing a Synapomorphy in Stenochironomus Kieffer (Diptera: Chironomidae). Insects 2022, 13.

[19] Yao, Y.; Liu, W.-B.; Wang, X.-H.; Lin, X.-L*. Rheotanytarsus baihualingensis and R. diaoluoensis (Diptera: Chironomidae), two new species from Oriental China. Annales Zoologici Fennici 2022, 59, 149-154.

[20] Spies, M.; Borkent, A.; Cranston, P.S.; Lin, X.-L.; Tang, H.-Q.* A home at last! Changania choui Tseng, 1965 belongs to Thienemanniella Kieffer, 1911 (Diptera: Chironomidae: Orthocladiinae). Chironomus Journal of Chironomidae Research 2022.

[21] Qi, X.; Yao, Y.; Liu, W.-B.; Yan, C.-C.; Wang, X.-H.; Lin, X.-L.* Review of the Rheotanytarsus muscicola Species Group from China (Diptera: Chironomidae). Diversity 2022, 14, 383.

[22] Lin, X.-L.; Zhao, Y.-M.; Yan, L.-P.; Liu, W.-B.; Bu, W.-J.; Wang, X.-H.; Zheng, C.-G.* Mitogenomes provide new insights into the evolutionary history of Prodiamesinae (Diptera: Chironomidae). Zool. Scr. 2022, 51, 119-132.

[23] Lin, X.-L.; Liu, Z.; Yan, L.-P.; Duan, X.; Bu, W.-J.; Wang, X.-H.; Zheng, C.-G.* Mitogenomes provide new insights of evolutionary history of Boreheptagyiini and Diamesini (Diptera: Chironomidae: Diamesinae). Ecol. Evol. 2022, 12, e8957.

[24] Jiang, Y.-W.; Zhao, Y.-M.; Lin, X.-L.* First report of the complete mitogenome of Tanypus punctipennis Meigen, 1818 (Diptera, Chironomidae) from Hebei Province, China. Mitochondrial DNA Part B 2022, 7, 215-216.

[25] 王萌, 苑艺, 于海燕, 贾显乐, 黄浩然, 陈月仙, 金小伟, 林晓龙, 王备新* 中国淡水大型底栖无脊椎动物条形码数据库构建. 中国环境监测. 2022, 38(1): 36-44.

[26] Lin, X.-L.*; Qi, X. Dicrotendipes sinicus Lin & Qi, sp. n. (Diptera: Chironomidae). CHIRONOMUS Journal of Chironomidae Research 2021, 34, 21-32.

[27] Kong, F.-Q.; Zhao, Y.-C.; Chen, J.-L.; Lin, X.-L.* First report of the complete mitogenome of Microchironomus tabarui Sasa, 1987 (Diptera, Chironomidae) from Hebei Province, China. Mitochondrial DNA Part B 2021, 6, 2845-2846.

[28] Lin, X.-L.; Mo, L.*; Bu, W.-J.; Wang, X.-H. The first comprehensive DNA barcode reference library of Chinese Tanytarsus (Diptera: Chironomidae) for environmental DNA metabarcoding. Diversity and Distributions 2021, 27, 1932-1941.

[29] 王萌,金小伟,林晓龙,杜丽娜,崔永德,吴小平,孙红英,谢志才,王新华,王备新*. 基于环境DNA宏条形码技术的底栖动物监测及水质评价研究进展,生态学报,2021, 4118),1-13.

[30] Lin, X.-L.; Jiang, K.; Liu, W.-B.; Liu, Wei; Bu, W.-J.; Wang, X.-H.; Mo, L.* Toward a global DNA barcode reference library of the intolerant nonbiting midge genus Rheocricotopus Brundin, 1956. Ecol. Evol. 2021, 11, 12161-12172.

[31] Duan, X.; Chang, T.; Jiao, K.-L.*; Wang, X.-H.; Lin, X.-L.* Monopelopia Fittkau, 1962, a newly recorded genus from Oriental China (Diptera, Chironomidae) with a description of Monopelopia zhengi Lin sp. n. Zootaxa 2021, 4980, 383-388.

[32] Lin, X.-L.; Yu, H.-J.; Wang, X.-H.; Bu, W.-J.; Yan, C.-C.; Liu, W.-B.* New or little-known Boreoheptagyia (Diptera, Chironomidae) in China inferred from morphology and DNA barcodes. ZooKeys 2021, 1040, 187-200.

[33] Lin, X.-L.; Chang, T.; Yan, C.-C.; Wang, B.; Liu, W.-B.* Redescription of Diamesa loeffleri Reiss, 1968 (Diptera, Chironomidae) and new record from China. Annales Zoologici Fennici 2021, 58, 109-113.

[34] Lin, X.-L.; Yao, Y.; Yan, C.; Liu, W.-B.* Stenochironomus zhengi sp. nov. from Dawei Mountain National Park, Yunnan, China (Diptera: Chironomidae). Zootaxa 2021, 4970, 385-390.

[35] Zheng, C.-G.; Zhu, X.-X.; Yan, L.-P.; Yao, Y.; Bu, W.-J.; Wang, X.-H.; Lin, X.-L.* First complete mitogenomes of Diamesinae, Orthocladiinae, Prodiamesinae, Tanypodinae (Diptera: Chironomidae) and their implication in phylogenetics. PeerJ 2021, 9, e11294.

[36] Liu, W.-B.; Yao, Y.; Duan, X.; Lin, X.-L.; Yan, C.-C.* New record, COI barcode and redescription of Xylotopus amamiapiatus (Sasa, 1990) (Diptera, Chironomidae) from China. Annales Zoologici Fennici 2021, 58, 69-74.

[37] Kong, F.-Q.; Wang, X.-H.; Lin, X.-L.* Bryophaenocladius huadingensis (Diptera: Orthocladiinae), a new species from China. Annales Zoologici Fennici 2021, 58, 65-68.

[38] Liu, W.-B.; Yao, Y.; Yan, C.-C.; Wang, X.-H.; Lin, X.-L.* A new species of Polypedilum (Cerobregma) (Diptera, Chironomidae) from Oriental China. ZooKeys 2021, 1011, 139-148.

[39] Fu, Y.; Wang, X.-H.; Fang, X.-L.; Xiao, Y.-L.; Lin, X.-L.* Thienemanniella dapanensis (Diptera: Chironomidae: Orthocladiinae), a new species from Zhejiang Province, China, and redescription of two Thienemanniella species. Annales Zoologici Fennici 2020, 57, 209-214.

[40] Fu, Y.; Wang, X.-H.; Fang, X.-L.; Xiao, Y.-L.; Fu, J.; Lin, X.-L.* Corynoneura Winnertz (Diptera, Chironomidae, Orthocladiinae) from Zhejiang Province, China. Zootaxa 2020, 4890, 083-096.

[41] Lin, X.-L.*; Yu, H.-J.; Wang, Q.; Bu, W.-J.; Wang, X.-H. DNA barcodes and morphology confirm a new species of Rheocricotopus (Psilocricotopus) orientalis group (Diptera: Chironomidae). Zootaxa 2020, 4768, 282-290.

[42] Miao, X.; Huang, J.*; Menzel, F.; Wang, Q.; Wei, Q.; Lin, X.-L.; Wu, H. Five mitochondrial genomes of black fungus gnats (Sciaridae) and their phylogenetic implications. Int. J. Biol. Macromol. 2020, 150, 200-205.

[43] Han, W.; Wei, J.; Lin, X.-L; Tang, H.* The Afro–Oriental Genus Yaeprimus Sasa et Suzuki (Diptera: Chironomidae: Chironomini): Phylogeny, New Species and Expanded Diagnoses. Diversity 2020, 12, 31.

[44] Yu, H.-J.; Lin, X.-L.; Zhang, R.-L.; Wang, Q.*; Wang, X.-H. Species delimitation and life stage association of Propsilocerus Kieffer, 1923 (Diptera, Chironomidae) using DNA barcodes. ZooKeys 2020, 975, 79-86.

[45] Wang, Q.; Hai-Jun, Y.; Xin-Hua, W.; Lin, X.-L.* A newly recorded species, Sergentia kizakiensis (Tokunaga, 1940) (Diptera: Chironomidae) from Oriental China with DNA barcode. CHIRONOMUS Journal of Chironomidae Research 2019, 75-78.

[46] Lin, X.-L.*; Wang, X.-H. Thienemannimyia (Thienemannimyia) sinogalbina nom. n., a replacement name for Thienemannimyia galbina Cheng & Wang, 2009. CHIRONOMUS Journal of Chironomidae Research 2019, 73-74.

[47] Sun, B.; Lin, X.-L.; Wang, X.; Makarchenko, E.A.* New or little-known Diamesinae (Diptera: Chironomidae) from Oriental China. Zootaxa 2019, 4571, 544-550.

[48] Lin, X.-L.*; Yu, H.-J.; Zhang, R.-L.; Wang, X.-H. Polypedilum (Cerobregma) heberti sp. n. (Diptera: Chironomidae) from Gaoligong Mountains, Yunnan, China. Zootaxa 2019, 4571, 255-262.

[49] Qi, X.; Lin, X.-L.*; Ekrem, T.; Beutel, R.G.; Song, C.; Orlov, I.; Chen, C.T.; Wang, X.H. A new surface gliding species of Chironomidae: An independent invasion of marine environments and its evolutionary implications. Zool. Scr. 2019, 48, 81-92.



[1] 副主编《天津内陆水域贝类》,中国农业出版社,202311月第一版

[2] 副主编《浙江昆虫志第八卷双翅目长角亚目》,中国科学出版社,20233月第一版

[3] 参编《浙江九龙山昆虫》,中国农业科学技术出版社,20211月第一版

[4] 参编《中国生物物种名录第二卷动物昆虫双翅目长角亚目》,科学出版社,20206月第一版

[5] 参编《内蒙古大兴安岭汗马国家级自然保护区六足动物》,科学出版社,20205月第一版

[6] 参编《天目山动物志(第八卷)》,浙江大学出版社,20168月第一版

[7] 参编《浙江清凉峰昆虫志》,中国林业出版社,20147月第一版



[1] Topical Advisory Panel Member: Diversity期刊, 2022/8

[2] 客座编辑:Diversity期刊Freshwater Zoobenthos Biodiversity, Evolution and Ecology专刊

[3] 客座编辑:Insects期刊A Themed Issue in Honor of Prof. Dr. Xin-Hua Wang on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday: Diversity, Ecology and Evolution of Aquatic Insects专刊

[4] 审稿人:Molecular Ecology Resources, Communications Biology, Ecology and Evolution, Zoologica Scripta, PLoS One, ZooKeys, Zootaxa, Entomotaxonomia, CHIRONOMUS Journal of Chironomidae Research, Insects, Aquatic Insects, Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, Frontiers in Microbiology, Limnologica

[5] 会议召集人:



[6] 学会兼职:中国毒理学会环境与生态毒理学专业委员会环境DNA学术交流组副组长、国际水协会会员、中国动物学会会员、中国海洋湖沼学会底栖生物学分会会员等。




E-mailxllin@shou.edu.cn; lin880224@gmail.com