李名友 研究员


李名友,男,博士,湖北石首人,生于19772月,研究员,博士生导师。2000/09-2008/06,中国科学院水生生物研究所,获遗传学博士学位2003/12-2008/06,新加坡国立大学生物系联合培养博士研究助理;2008/07-2013/07,新加坡国立大学生物系博士后;2013/09-目前,954567红宝石水产生理与医学系,研究员。在BiologyFASEB JFrontiers in GeneticsSci RepStem Cell RepViruses等国际知名期刊上发表SCI收录论文70多篇为国际期刊Fishes Biology编委。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目3项、科技部十四五十三五重大专项子课题3宁夏回族自治区十四五重点研发项目课题、上海市教委和科委项目以及海洋大学高层次人才启动经费等项目2015年入选上海市浦江人才计划2016年入选上海曙光计划2022年入选浙江丽水市 绿谷精英· 创新引领行动创新项目领军人才。链接:Researchgate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Mingyou_Li; ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8729-7964 







主要以青鳉为模式从事鱼类生殖细胞发育、性别决定和性别分化以及其调控机制及其操作的研究,建立方法学,并将其应用于水产经济鱼类育种研究。主要包括以下三个方面:(1) 鱼类干细胞研究;(2) 鱼类生殖细胞研究; (3) 鱼类遗传育种。

[1] 鱼类干细胞研究:青鳉具有成熟的干细胞培养技术,实验室创始人洪云汉教授以青鳉为实验材料,开创了无滋养层的细胞培养体系,成功建立了青鳉胚胎干细胞系、单倍体干细胞系和生殖干细胞系,相关研究发表在ScienceNature ProtocolPNAS等国际顶尖期刊上。在十三五蓝色粮仓重大项目“重要养殖鱼类优良种质创制与生殖操作技术研究”子课题的支持下,我们将青鳉的干细胞培养技术体系成功运用于养殖鱼类,建立了能长期稳定培养的养殖鱼类—马口鱼、长江刀鲚精原干细胞系,突破了养殖鱼类生殖干细胞系不能长期培养的瓶颈,其在体外和体内均具有多种分化潜能,最重要的是,该细胞系能诱导产生精子。


图1. 马口鱼精原干细胞系的诱导分化。 A 体外视黄酸诱导马口鱼精原干细胞分化为体细胞;B 体外共培养诱导马口鱼精原干细胞分化为精子;C 流式细胞分析术。





[2] 鱼类生殖细胞研究:生殖细胞能保证遗传信息的传递,物种的延续。生殖细胞是是在早期胚胎发育阶段从体细胞中分离出来的,生殖细胞形成后,要经过长距离的迁移然后定位于性腺,随后分化产生精子和卵子,保证生命的延续。其中任何一个步骤出现异常,都会导致不育。青鳉具有性别决定基因,有很多生殖细胞或者性腺体细胞标记的转基因鱼,是研究生殖发育、性别决定和性别分化的优良模式物种。我们系统研究了多个生殖细胞发育基因的表达模式和调控机制,如首次发现了影响鱼类原始生殖细胞形成的特化因子dnd基因,敲降(敲除)该基因影响原始生殖细胞的形成,而过表达dnd则导致原始生殖细胞数目增加,该结果发表在国际著名期刊Stem Cell Reports上;此外还发现dazl基因也影响原始生殖细胞的形成, piwi基因影响原始生殖细胞的增殖以及vasa影响原始生殖细胞的迁移。


2. Dnd的剂量决定PGC的数量。 敲降dnd会导致PGC无法形成而过表达dnd则导致PGC数量增加。


[3] 鱼类遗传育种研究:我们将青鳉中建立的方法学用于养殖鱼类的遗传育种研究。a. 马口鱼、黄鳝和黄颡等养殖鱼类的性别控制育种技术。马口鱼和黄颡具有雄性生长快的特点,选育抗病性强的全雄品种具有较高的经济效益;而黄鳝则具有先雌后雄的性反转现象,给苗种培育带来极大不便,我们研究其性反转机制,以期解决制约苗种的瓶颈问题。

b. 生殖细胞移植介导的“借腹怀胎”技术快速创制新品种。根据dnd基因的功能,我们以dnd敲降缺失原始生殖细胞的不育囊胚胚胎为受体,以过表达dnd而导致原始生殖细胞数目增加的囊胚细胞为供体,得到全是来自供体的后代,首次实现了完全的生殖细胞置换-100%“借腹怀胎” 研究,相关研究发表在Scientific Reports上;后续将我们将开展生殖干细胞基因编辑和移植相结合的新种质创制研究。





3. 青鳉囊胚细胞移植(A) 过表达dnd RNA的转基因的i3LrVg品系 (红色肝, 绿色生殖细胞) 作为供体, 野生型Or胚胎作为受体, 其生殖细胞因MOdnd敲降缺失而不育 (B) 嵌合体的成鱼生殖腺有绿色荧光(C) 成鱼的精巢, 卵巢均有绿色荧光生殖细胞,表示精巢、卵巢的生殖细胞全部来源于供体;而肝则一部分没有荧光,一部分显示为红色荧光,其中红色荧光表示来源于供体。



[1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,马口鱼生殖干细胞基因编辑与移植研究、323731302024/01-2027/12、主持。

[2] 十四五宁夏回族自治区重点研发大鼻吻鮈种质资源保护遗传学及生殖发育和人工繁育技术研究”, 2023BCF01013,子课题大鼻吻鮈生殖发育生物学研究”,2023/04-2026/04、主持。

[3] 丽水市 2022 年度第二批绿谷精英· 创新引领行动创新项目领军人才2023-2027年。

[4] 十四五国家重大专项长江禁渔后特色土著鱼类规模化繁育与绿色高效养殖”, 2022YFD2400901,子课题黄颡鱼规模化大规格苗种培育技术研究”,2022/12-2026/12、主持。

[5] 十四五国家重大专项重要水产养殖生物种质资源挖掘和创新利用”, 2022YFD2400102,子课题黄鳝种质资源与新种质创制”,2022/12-2026/12、主持。

[6] 十三五蓝色粮仓国家重大专项重要养殖鱼类优良种质创制与生殖操作技术研究课题重要养殖鱼类生殖干细胞诱导与分化、移植技术与种质创制2018YFD0901205、子课题长江刀鲚生殖干细胞诱导与移植研究2018/12-2022/12、主持。

[7] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,建立青鳉囊胚移植技术开辟鱼类异体生殖的新途径、31672700、2017/01-2020/12、主持。

[8] 上海市曙光计划,青鳉生殖干细胞的移植研究、16SG422016/07-2019/06、主持。

[9] 上海市浦江计划, dazl基因调控青鳉生殖细胞发育和可育性的功能和机制研究、15PJ14031002015/07-2017/06、主持。

[10] 国家自然科学基金面上项目, piwi 调控青鳉生殖细胞和眼睛发育的机理研究31372520、2014/01-2017/12、主持

[11] 上海市教委高校新进老师启动费, piwi在神经系统的表达和功能研究A1-2035-14-0010-42014/09-2016/09、主持。

[12] 上海海洋大学高层次人才引进项目,鱼类生殖细胞与干细胞研究、B-5008-12-0110-2、2014/01-2018/12、主持。




[1] Gu K, Zhang Y, Zhong Y, Kan Y, Jawad M, Gui L, Ren M, Xu G, Liu D*, Li M*. Establishment of a Coilia nasus Spermatogonial Stem Cell Line Capable of Spermatogenesis In Vitro. Biology 2023, 12(9), 1175.(IF4.2)

[2] Zhou Y, Jin Q, Xu H, Wang Y*, Li M*.Chronic nanoplastic exposure induced oxidative and immune stress in medaka gonad. Sci Total Environ. 2023 Apr;869:161838. (IF10.7)

[3] Liu D, Hong Zhen, Gui L*, Zhao L, Wang Y,Sun S, Li M*. Full-Length Transcriptomes and Sex-Based Differentially Expressed Genes in the Brain and Ganglia of Giant River Prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii. Bimolecules, 2023,Mar, 13(460):1-18. (IF6.0)

[4] Zhou Y, Gui L, Wei W, Xu EG, Zhou W, Sokolova IM, Li M*, Wang Y*. Low particle concentrations of nanoplastics impair the gut health of medaka. Aquat Toxicol. 2023 Feb 7;256:106422. (IF5.2)

[5] Liu D#, Gui L#, Zhu Y, Xu C, Zhou W*, Li M*. Chromosome-level assembled genome of male Opsariichthys bidens insights regulation of GnRH signaling pathway and genome evolution. Biology. 2022 Oct, 11(10), 1500. (IF5.2)

[6] Wang M#, Xia J#, Jawad M, Wei W, Gui L, Liang X, Yang J*, Li M*. Transcriptome sequencing analysis of sex-related mRNA and miRNAs in the gonads of Mytilus coruscus. Frontiers in Marine Science. 2022 Sep, 9,1013857. (IF5.2)

[7] Gui L#, Zhao Y#, Xu D, Li X, Luo J, Zhou W*, Li M*. Quick detection of Carassius auratus herpesvirus (CaHV) by recombinase-aid amplification lateral flow dipstick (RAA-LFD) method. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology. 2022 Sep,12,981911. (IF6.0)

[8] Zhou Y#, Zhao L#, Xu H, Xu E, Li M*, Wang Y*. Long-term exposure to polystyrene nanoplastics impairs the liver health of medaka. Water 2022 Sep,14,2767 (IF3.5)

[9] Tang R#, Xu C#, Zhu Y, Yan J, Yao Z, Zhou W, Gui L*, Li M*. Identification and expression analysis of sex biased miRNAs in Chinese hook snout carp Opsariichthys bidens. Frontiers in Genetics. 2022 Sep,13,990683 (IF4.8)

[10] Wei W#, He J#, Jawad M, Gui L, Ren J, Li J*, Li M*. Integrated mRNA and miRNA expression profile analysis of female and male gonads in Acrossocheilus fasciatus. Biology. 2022 Aug, 11(9),1296. (IF5.2) 

[11] Xia J#, Liu D#, Zou W*, Yi S, Wang X, Li B, Jawad M, Xu H, Gui L, Li M*. Comparative transcriptome analysis of brain and gonad reveals reproduction-related miRNAs in the giant prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii. Frontiers in Genetics. 2022 Aug, 13,990677 (IF4.8)

[12] Xu C#Li Y#, Wen Z, Jawad M, Gui L*, Li M*. Spinyhead croaker germ cells gene dnd visualizes primordial germ cells in medaka. Life 2022 Aug,12(8),1226. (IF3.3)

[13] Chen X#, Kan Y#, Zhong Y, Jawad M, Wei W, Gu K, Gui L*, Li M*. Generation and Characterization of a Chinese hook snout carp spermatogonial stem cell line capable of sperm production in vitro. Biology. 2022 July 18; 11(7),1069. (IF5.2)

[14] Kan Y#, Zhong Y#, Jawad M, Chen X, Liu D, Ren M, Xu G, Gui L*, Li M*. Establishment of a Coilia nasus gonadal somatic cell line capable of sperm induction in vitro. Biology. 2022 July 13;11(7):1049. (IF5.2)

[15] Wei W#, Zhu Y#, Yuan C, Zhao Y, Zhou W*, Li M*. Differential Expression of Duplicate Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 Receptors (igf1rs) in Medaka Gonads. Life. 2022 June 8; 12(6):859. (IF3.2)

[16] Chen X#, Zhu Y#, Zhu T, Song P, Guo J, Zhong Y, Gui L*, Li M*. Vasa identifies germ cells in embryos and gonads of Oryzias celebenis. Gene. 2022 May 20; 823:146369. (IF3.9)

[17] Gui L#, Li X#, Lin S, Zhao Y, Lin P, Wang B, Tang R, Guo J, Zu Y, Zhou Y*, Li M*. Low-Cost and Rapid Method of DNA Extraction from Scaled Fish Blood and Skin Mucus. Viruses. 2022 Apr 18;14(4):840. (IF5.8)

[18] Tang R#, Zhu Y#, Gan W, Zhang Y, Yao Z, Ren J*, Li M*. De novo transcriptome analysis of gonads reveals the sex-associated genes in Chinese hook snout carp Opsariichthys bidens. Aquaculture Reports. 2022, Mar; 23:101068. (IF3.4)

[19] 王园,李名友*,白孝明,屈锡梅,罗玉冰,王德寿*魏静*。视黄酸信号通路在青鳉精原干细胞体外增殖与分化中的作用。水产学报,2022DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20210813007

[20] 马元,仲颖,郭婧,李名友*西里伯斯青鳉tyrslc24a5的克隆及表达分析水生生物学报,202246卷,第3期,282-291

[21] Chen X#, Song P#, Xia J, Guo J, Shi Y, Zhong Y, Li M*. Evolutionarily conserved boule and dazl identify germ cells of Coilia nasus. Aquaculture and Fisheries, 2023, May, 8(3):244-251, doi.org/10.1016/j.aaf.2021.10.001.

[22] Guo S#, Zhong Y#, Zhang Y, Zhu Y, Guo J, Fu Y*, Li M*. Transcriptome analysis provides insights into long noncoding RNAs in medaka gonads. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part D. 2021 Sep;39:100842. (IF3.1)

[23] Zhang Y#, Zhong Y#, Guo S, Zhu Y, Guo J, Fu Y*, Li M*. CircRNA profiling reveals circ880 functions as miR-375-3p sponge in medaka gonads. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part D. 2021 Jun;38:100797. (IF3.1)

[24] Gan WChung YChen Z, Song Y, Cui W, He W, Zhang Q, Li W, Li M*, Ren J*. Global tissues transcriptomic analysis to improve genome annotation and unravel skin pigmentation in goldfish. Sci Rep. 2021 Jan 19;11(1):1815. (IF3.9)

[25] Song P#, Sun B#, Zhu Y, Zhong Y, Guo J, Gui L*, Li M*. Bucky ball induces primordial germ cell increase in medaka. Gene, 2021 Feb 5;768:145317. (IF3.6)

[26] Xie J#, Zhong Y#, Zhao Y, Xie W, Guo J, Gui* L, Li M*. Characterization and expression analysis of gonad specific igf3 in the medaka ovary. Aquaculture and Fisheries. 2022 May; 7(3):259-268, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aaf.2020.07.018.

[27] Zhao Y#, Zhang Y#, Zhong Y, Guo J, Gui L*, Li M*. Molecular identification and expression analysis of foxl2 and sox9b in Oryzias celebensis. Aquaculture and Fisheries. 2021 Sep, 6(5):471-478, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aaf.2020.06.009.

[28] Xie Z#, Song P#, Zhong Y, Guo J, Gui L*, Li M*. Medaka gcnf is a component of chromatoid body during spermiogenesis. Aquaculture and Fisheries. 2021 Nov, 6(6):574-582, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aaf.2020.06.006.

[29] Pu Q#, Ma Y#, Zhong Y, Guo J, Gui L*, Li M*. Characterization and expression analysis of sox3 in medaka gonads. Aquaculture and Fisheries. 2022 Jan,7(1):23-30, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aaf.2020.05.007.

[30] Sun L#, Zhong Y#, Qiu W, Guo J, Gui L*, Li M*. MiR-26 regulates ddx3x expression in medaka (Oryzias latipes) gonads. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B. 2020 May 15; 246-247:110456.IF2.2

[31] Sun B#, Gui L#, Liu R, Hong Y, Li M*. Medaka oct4 is essential for gastrulation, central nervous system development and angiogenesis. Gene. 2020 Apr 5;733:144270. (IF2.9)

[32] Li Y#, Song W#,*, Zhu Y, Zhu T, Ma L, Li M*. Evolutionarily conserved vasa identifies embryonic and gonadal germ cells in spinyhead croaker Collichthys luci. J Fish Biol. 2019 May; 94(5):772-780. (IF2.0)

[33] 韩程燕, 金禧珍, 萩原篤志, 李名友*两种饵料对褶皱臂尾轮虫生殖及休眠卵孵化的影响. 基因组学与应用生物学, 2019 年,第 38 卷,第 9 期,第 4013-4019

[34] Zhu T#, Gui L#, Zhu Y, Li Y, Li M*. Dnd is required for primordial germ cell specification in Oryzias celebensis. Gene. 2018 Aug 30; 679:36-43. (IF2.4)

[35] Qiu W#, Zhu Y#, Wu Y, Yuan C, Chen K, Li M*. Identification and expression analysis of microRNAs in medaka gonads. Gene. 2018 Mar 10; 646:210-216. (IF2.4)

[36] Yuan C#, Chen K#, Zhu Y, Yuan Y, Li M*. Medaka igf1 identifies somatic cells and meiotic germ cells of both sexes. Gene. 2018 Feb 5, 642(1): 423-429. (IF2.4)

[37] 陈克让,丁天宜,李名友*. Minifish dazldnd基因的克隆及表达分析. 基因组学与应用生物学, 2018年,第 37 卷,第 7 期,第 2795-2803 页。

[38] 解文杰, 吴赟, 王丹, 陈晓武, 李名友*.青鳉干扰素的克隆与表达分析. 基因组学与应用生物学, 2017 , 36 卷,第1 , 158-165 .

[39] Li M, Hong N, Xu H, Song J, Hong Y*. Germline replacement by blastula cell transplantation in the fish medaka. Sci Rep. 2016 Jul 13; 6:29658. (IF5.2)

[40] Li M, Zhu F, Li Z, Hong N, Hong Y*. Dazl is a critical player for primordial germ cell formation in medaka. Sci Rep. 2016 Jun 22; 6: 28317. (IF5.2)

[41] Hong N#, Li M#, Yuan Y, Wang T, Yi M, Xu H, Zeng H, Song J*, Hong Y*. Dnd Is a Critical Specifier of Primordial Germ Cells in the Medaka Fish. Stem Cell Reports. 2016 Mar 8; 6(3):411-21. (IF7.0)

[42] Li M, Zhao H, Wei J, Zhang J, Hong Y*. Medaka vasa gene has an exonic enhancer for germline expression. Gene. 2015; 555(2): 403-408. (IF2.1)

[43] Li M#, Zhu F#, Hong L, Zhang L, Hong Y*. Alternative transcription generates multiple Mitf isofroms with different expression pattern and activities in medaka. Pigment Cell & Melanoma Research. 2014; 27 (1): 48-58. (IF5.8)

[44] Li M, Zhu F, Hong Y*. Differential evolution of duplicated medakafish mitf genes. Int J Biol Sci. 2013; 9(5): 496-508. (IF4.3)

[45] Li M, Guan G, Hong N, Hong Y*. Multiple regulatory regions control the transcription of medaka germ gene vasa. Biochimie. 2013; 95 (4): 850-7. (IF3.1)

[46] Li M, Yuan Y, Hong Y*. Identification of the RNAs for Transcription Factor Mitf as a component of the Balbiani Body. J Genet Genomics. 2013; 40(2): 75-81. (IF2.9)

[47] Li M, Hong N, Gui J*, Hong Y*. Medaka piwi is essential for primordial germ cell migration. Curr Mol Med. 2012; 12(8): 1040-9. (IF5.2)

[48] Li M#, Shen Q#, Xu H, Wong FM, Cui J, Li Z, Hong N, Wang L, Zhao H, Ma B, Hong Y*. Differential conservation and divergence of fertility genes boule and dazl in the rainbow trout. PLoS One. 2011; 6(1): e15910. (IF4.1)

[49] Li M#, Shen Q#, Wong F, Xu H, Hong N, Zeng L, Liu L, Guan G, Hong N, Hong Y*. Germ cell sex prior to meiosis in the rainbow trout. Protein & Cell. 2011; 2(1): 48-54. (IF3.2)

[50] Li M, Hong N, Xu H, Yi M, Li C, Gui J, Hong Y*. Medaka vasa is required for migration but not survival of primordial germ cells. Mech Dev. 2009; 126 (5-6): 366-81. (IF3.5)

[51] 李名友,周莉, 杨林, 刘静霞, 桂建芳*. 彭泽鲫的分子遗传分析及其与方正银鲫A系的比较, 水产学报,2002, 26(5): 472-476.



[1] Guo H, Du X, Zhang Y, Wu J, Wang C, Li M, Hua X, Zhang XA, Yan J. Specific miRNA-G Protein-Coupled Receptor Networks Regulate Sox9a/Sox9b Activities to Promote Gonadal Rejuvenation in Zebrafish. Stem Cells. 2019 Sep;37(9):1189-1199. (IF5.6)

[2] Zhang X#, Guan G#, Li M, Zhu F, Liu Q, Naruse K, Herpin A, Nagahama Y, Li J*, Hong Y*. Autosomal gsdf acts as a male sex initiator in the fish medaka. Sci Rep. 2016 Jan 27; 6: 19738. (IF5.2)

[3] Liu R, Li M, Li Z, Hong N, Xu H, Hong Y*. Medaka Oct4 is Essential for Pluripotency in Blastula Formation and ES Cell Derivation. Stem Cell Rev. 2015 Feb;11(1): 11-23. (IF3.2)

[4] Yuan Y, Li M, Hong Y*. Light and electron microscopic analyses of Vasa expression in adult germ cells of the fish medaka. Gene. 2014 Jul 15; 545(1):15-22. (IF2.1)

[5] Li Z, Li M, Hong N, Yi M, Hong Y*. Formation and cultivation of medaka primordial germ cells. Cell Tissue Res. 2014 Jul; 357(1):71-81. (IF3.2) 

[6] Yuan Y, Li M, Hong N, Hong Y*. Correlative light and electron microscopic analyses of mitochondrial distribution in blastomeres of early fish embryos. FASEB J. 2014 Feb; 28(2): 577-85. (IF5.6) 

[7] Yan Y, Hong N, Chen T, Li M, Wang T, Guan G, Qiao Y, Chen S, Schartl M, Li CM, Hong Y*. p53 gene targeting by homologous recombination if fish ES cells. PLoS One. 2013; 8(3): e59400. (IF4.1)

[8] Lin F, Liu Q, Li M, Li Z, Hong N, Li J, Hong Y*. Transient and stable GFP expression in germ cells by the vasa regulatory sequences from the red seabream (Pagrus major). Int J Biol Sci. 2012; 8(6): 882-90. (IF3.2)

[9] Zhao H, Li M, Purwanti YI, Liu R, Chen T, Li Z, Hong N, Guan G, Yin A, Xiao L, Ge R, Song J, Hong Y*. Mitf is a transcriptional activator of medaka germ genes in culture. Biochimie. 2012; 94(3): 759-67. (IF3.7)

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[1] 马口鱼精原干细胞系的建立及其应用  李名友,仲颖,陈霄,郭婧,桂朗专利号:202110172321X

[2] 长江刀鲚性腺体细胞的建立及应用  李名友,仲颖,郭婧,阚宇婷,刘东,实审中(申请号:202110172872











电话:+86-021-6190 0494






Personal Information:

Dr Mingyou Li, Prof. of College of Fisheries and Life Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University. He got his Ph.D from Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He did Ph.D and Post-doctoral training at National University of Singapore. He was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), the National key Project of “Blue Granary” and the Start-up fund for High-level Talents of Shanghai Ocean University. He was awarded the Shanghai Pujiang Talent Plan in 2015 and The Dawn Talent Plan in 2016.


Research interest:

Germ cells set aside in the early stage of embryo development and migrate to the gonads where they differentiate into sperm in the male and oocyte in the female. Our lab interests in how germ cells (including germline stem cells) development and the molecular mechanism involved in by using model fish medaka, and extend what we have learned from medaka to farmed fishsuch as sex controlled breeding and surrogate production in farmed fish.



Address317#, Blk A , Laboratory of Fish Germ Cells and Stem Cells, College of Fisheries and Life Science, Shanghai Ocean University,
999# Huchenghuan Road, Shanghai, China201306

Tel:+86-021-6190 0494

E-mail: myli@shou.edu.cn

Researchgate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Mingyou_Li 
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8729-7964